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Join us

Scottish country dancing provides fun, fitness and friendship. If you enjoy dancing with us, why not become a member?  We welcome all dancers.


You can enjoy classes and social dancing all year round to develop and improve your dancing. The fun, social engagement and healthy exercise are all part of the experience. 


New dancers can contact us and start dancing any Thursday - we dance through the year. 

Members get reduced weekly class fees and membership of the RSCDS.



Single membership


Joint membership


Young adult


Second membership


Royal Scottish Country Dance Society

The RSCDS is the worldwide champion of this sociable activity, keeping the joy of dancing Scottish alive and growing around the globe. It provides great resources for learning, dances and music. Click the button to discover more benefits of RSCDS membership.

We look after your data

We look after any data you provide us. We use cookies on our website.


RSCDS Oxfordshire

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